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Is your Menopause going something like this?...

  • You have gained weight almost overnight and it doesn't respond to anything that used to work for you in the past.

  • Your hot flashes come out of nowhere in the most inconvenient times or wake you up several times a night.

  • Your emotions are all over the place...one minute you are fine...the next you are biting someone's head off.

  • Anxiety seems to come out of nowhere for no reason.

  • Your belly bloat makes you feel like you are 5 months pregnant

Hi! I'm Lisa...Your Menopause Maven Guide

I have been in the Holistic Health field with a PhD in Holistic Nutrition since 1996. 

Along my journey, I have been an instructor of body/mind, nutrition and massage therapy, a wellness coach, an expert blogger of gut health, and on my own menopause adventure.  

I am excited to be your guide along your own menopause journey!  

Learn more about Lisa

Go from feeling FRUSTRATED to feeling FABULOUS!

Join the Menopause Mavens Monthly membership program

  • Learn how to eat for optimal gut and hormone health with our monthly yummy recipe pack

  • Get into your zen space to reduce stress and it's affects with our monthly guided meditation

  • Discover how to navigate your menopause with body/mind and nutrition with our monthly workshops

  • Join our online community of amazing women for support and inspiration in your menopause journey

  • Try it FREE for 7 Days
  • What is the Menopause Mavens Membership?


    As we enter into menopause, it seems that what we used to be able to eat no longer works...the weight seems to come out of nowhere!  Learn how healthy nutrition can help you take back control of your body. 

    Stress Management

    You can only be as healthy and balanced as your stress levels allow.  Learn body/mind tools to manage stress levels to feel at peace and relieve the affects stress has on menopause.

    A Supportive Community

    After just one session you will instantly notice improvement in your heart rate, and calmness in your mind.

    What is included in your Membership?

    Are you ready to stop struggling with your menopause symptoms and get support to finally move into menopause and beyond with grace and ease?  

      Monthly Workshops

      Monthly workshops to guide you with nutrition, body and mind stress management. A monthly focus to help you with your health and wellness goals to go from feeling frustrated with you menopause symptoms to feeling fantastic.  

      Monthly Recipe Pack

      Hormone and gut health friendly recipes, weekly suggested meal plans, and shopping list to help you achieve your weight loss and health goals.  

      Guided Meditations

      Stress is one of the main causes of our menopause symptoms.  These guided meditations will give you a tool to help you manage your daily stress to move into menopause and beyond with grace and ease. 


    • 30 day workout plan to help you keep moving in the right direction.

    • Guest workshops from amazing women I love to collaborate with to help support your journey

    • Private Facebook group of supportive Mavens  

    • Monthly action plan to help you reach you health and wellness goals

    • Resource list

    Benefits of Joining 

    Menopause does not have to be a miserable experience.  When you focus on nutrition, body/mind, and stress management...you can make this a smooth transition into this next phase of a women's life.  Here are some of the benefits of joining the Menopause Maven Community.

    • Balance your gut health to relieve those nagging digestive issues and menopause belly

    • Feel more balanced and calm 

    • Decrease or eliminate hot flashes and night sweats

    • Learn how to prepare yummy meals that help balance hormonal health

    • Discover how to manage the effects of stress on our bodies and our minds. 

    • Embrace this time in your life!

    • Become a FOUNDING Member for just $27/mo...Price will go up to $49/mo soon.

    Join the Menopause Mavens Founder's Membership to go from feeling FRUSTRATED to feeling FABULOUS! You don't need to struggle with your MENOPAUSE Journey. This can be a FABULOUS time of life!

    Just want monthly recipes, meal plans and a little stress management tool?

    Want some tasty hormone friendly recipes and meal plan to help your reach your menopause weight loss goals?

    How about an awesome tool to help you manage stress...

    the #1 reason we can suffer with all the frustrating symptoms of menopause.  

    Then check out the Sage Mini Membership for just $7/mo.

    Tell me MORE