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Get my FREE Menopause Survival Guide

This is not your MOTHER'S Menopause

Let's face it...we don't have time for all the frustrations that menopause can bring...

  • Weight gain that seemed to come out of nowhere overnight

  • Lack of energy and poor sleep  

  • Anxiety and mood swings that come out of nowhere

  • Nagging digestive issues like gas, bloating, and acid reflux

  • Not to mention the dreaded hot flashes and night sweats!

  • Learn how to go from

    Frustrated to Fabulous!


    Join the Menopause Maven Community


    3 Pillars of Wisdom for Menopause

    Gut Health

    You will learn how food affects your gut health and  symptoms of menopause...Hot flashes, weight gain, sleepless nights, lack of energy and all the other fun stuff that comes with this change in our hormones.

    Stress Management

    You are only as healthy as your stress levels allow.  It is virtually impossible to eliminate stress in our lives but we can control how we manage it.  Learn how the gut and brain are connected and how gut health can affect the way we experience stress.


    How we move through our day and life has long lasting affects on our overall health. Learn how to move your body, strengthen your body, and be kind to your body as you enter into the magical time of menopause. 

    Lisa Metzgar, PhD - Your Menopause Maven

    I have been in the healing and gut health industry for over 25 years helping people to live their best lives. I have a passion for learning, teaching, and guiding people to better health and wellness.

    Over 10 years ago I started studying the gut microbiome and how it affects every aspect of our lives. Hippocrates called it..."All health starts in the GUT"

    As I entered into menopause and had my own struggles with weight gain, hot flashes and sleepless nights...I went back to my study of gut health. It is now my mission to help other women transition into menopause with grace and ease. You aren't destined to struggle...let me be your guide...become a Menopause Maven and take your power back in this magical time.  

    Join the Menopause Maven Membership!

    The Menopause Maven Membership is a monthly support program to help you navigate your journey into and beyond menopause. Menopause support for just $27/ month! 

    Click on the button below to get all the details. Try it FREE for 7 days

    Take advantage of this amazing deal!